
Lockdown failed altogether

  Social Concern by Malay Kumar F or the past few months, the entire world is suffering due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Different countries try to apply different guidelines to protect their countryman from Covid-19. But, their different approach reacts differently. They succeeded at times, at times failed. But they somehow managed to remain in line to tackle the novel coronavirus. India has done just about the same thing. They could survive at one point but they just collapsed completely in the past month. There is a solid explanation that except China, no other COVID-19 affected country consists of the same population that India has. It's complicated for the Indian Government to monitor 1.3 billion people at a same time. But even lockdown created a problem for them in the past month. For the past few weeks, the Indian government permits its states to announce the lockdown as per their requirements. Therefore Indian states have decided to lock them down two days every week

A Complete breakdown of Bengal

W e have already passed half the time of 2020. But trust me except for the first few weeks we have not yet relief for a single day. Since then we all are Continuously fighting to stay alive. We did not understand that we have to fight for existence so early in our life. We all are so tired that we can not fight anymore, but you know when you start running on a track, quit is not an option. Either you will win it or lose it. The only difference is you can measure your running track before you start running and also you know how long you have to run but, here that option not even exist.  At the moment we are going through a very tough time. I stay in the state of West Bengal and there is no end to the problems in my state. It all started with the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus, followed by Aamfan storm and many more. Due to this COVID-19 pandemic, our financial and health system completely broke down. Even our educational system getting hugely affected due to this as every school, colleg

Mumbai fights Coronavirus

Social Concern by Malay Kumar E very single person is wondering about the COVID-19 pandemic . The whole Mumbai City has become a battleground due to Novel Coronavirus. The number of Covid-19 positive patients are gradually increasing in every single hospital. Most people have a hard time accepting this lockdown at the beginning. So, it was a challenge for the police to make them understand the situation. Luckily they are not stepping out now. But, still, due to lack of awareness, few people only take protection like maintaining social distraction, using face mask just for fear of the police that makes police's job very difficult.  Dharavi slum in Mumbai, considered to be one of Asia's largest slums with almost 700k population. During the lockdown period, coronavirus is likely to spread rapidly in this slum area. Maintaining social distinction is almost impossible here as there is likely any gap between two rooms. But still, Mumbai police fighting hard to keep them away from th

Freshness in the air

Social Concern by Malay Kumar D uring this nationwide lockdown, not only we all are feeling bad but also hoping for its end. Honestly speaking I am also hoping for the same. Now we all are constantly fighting against the Novel Coronavirus by staying at our house. As there is no specific medicine for Covid-19 hence maintain social distancing remain the only solution of it. In this critical period, we all are not only thinking about how to get rid of it but also continuously blaming China for Coronavirus. In one way that is correct because there is plenty of problems that have been created due to this lockdown.  In India, we are going to complete the fourth phase of lockdown at the moment (already started on 18th May). Although the fourth lockdown is completely different from the previous three, as India did not apply for a complete lockdown. That is why this lockdown will keep several shops open, public and private transport will be open but it will be following the guidelines of the g

How online shopping kill local stores?

Social Concern by Malay Kumar In today's world, we are upgrading ourselves every single day. From local shops to shopping malls, then shopping malls to the branded showroom and in now these days we don't have enough time to go to the market and purchase. Because we all are too busy to manage time for us. Thus, in these present times, we are doing what exactly others are doing. Now the question is how online shopping business-killing local small businesses. The answer is yes. This present-day around 71% of internet users are preferring online shopping in our country and no doubt that this number will increase in the future. Surprisingly, men have more online shoppers than girls in India. Because people are concentrating online shopping, not because of time but the price also. In today's world, people want more good products at less price. For all of us, time and price both are vital and if we get both at the same place then it is an obvious thing that we will purchase our pr

Lockdown 3.0

Social Concern by Malay Kumar Most probably everyone started this year by saying goodbye to 2019 and offering a warm welcome to 2020 just like other regular years. As usual, this year's first day was also spent with much joy gathering friends, family, and so on. 2020 was important for everyone for their reasons. This year may be a turning point for certain people for their studies, jobs, or even for their lives. Those people started with their vision this year. Though the first few days were completely normal, it did not take too much time to change the situation for the whole world.  It was Thursday, 30th January 2020, and the state was Kerala. Where a man was sick and as a result of this he was tested positive for COVID-19 ( Novel Coronavirus ). Many of this country's population were completely unaware of this virus where some of them didn't even get the name here. But, it is a fact that on that day, the most dangerous virus entered India. The number of days